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the  Art of  Nao

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>  inevitably keep our neurology engaged in its most fundamental way; we act out of the same sensual dimensions as those experienced by genuinely wild beings. Their vitality receives intuitive prompts from a much deeper pool of instructions than can ever be accessed by a socially dominated neurology. 

The capacity of animals to be guided towards their needs is equally accessible to humans, since an underlying guidance comes to each from the exact same source. Whether it is tapped into or not, this natural connection is available during our entire lifetime, and it is never too late to reach for it. There is no difference in an animal’s instinct for finding food and a person’s need to feed their individual and professional goals, whatever they may be: from nutrition, to a rich wardrobe, to a purpose in life, to entertainment, to health. 

What differs with beings is the repertoire of realities that each creature gets to perceive and to manipulate through their physicality. Animals usually have no choice but to be free and wild, whereas humans  rarely are either.



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What is freedom? We know that we cannot look to a social medium for a fair answer. By its very nature as a matrix for group collaboration, a society seeks control over multiple aspects of the individuals that comprise it.


Even in more liberal societies, freedom, especially the expressive kind, is highlighted as being risky—ironically enough, not for the group, but for the individual. The Western world provides many examples of artists whose wild exercises of creative freedom are spoken of in the same breath as their mental imbalances—true or not.

Freedom means being the only one who decides when and how you  > 



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>   are going to navigate yourself. Freedom is to feel as we do, and to have the space to explore those feelings, regardless of where they lead. To be free to think as we wish without having to compare it to what we ought to be thinking. It is to willingly assess our perceptions as deeply as possible, and regardless of their implications. 

Our personal freedom is the medium within which we actualize into physicality the life potential at the core of our hearts. Paradoxically, the most sophisticated and free form of wilderness is to be wild as a socialized person. 

Contrary to its image of mindless pursuit, someone with true freedom protects themselves through their exercise of self-imposed limits. Without them, they would eventually go too far and meet even more constricting forces than those of their own private boundaries. 

As with musical strings, limits create desirable and necessary tensions. 



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We need rules for any game in order to feel the thrill of ourselves playing it on its terms, in order to have specificity of action and of thought. Moreover, just as water finds its own containment, freedom eventually finds its own levels of stability according to context, even as it seeks to maintain its flow. 

Our outer freedom starts with assuming responsibility for the direction of our inner one. Within this world is where we can illuminate our motivations, and to far more subtle degrees than those found in any judicial system. Here in our inner world, there is great freedom of being. 

It is all the greater because, only its possessor can discern its true contents. It is a secure place  >



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>   to which no one else has a right. In it, we can afford to be bold in both our dreams and in our self-honesty for there, we are truly alone and need answer to no one, except in those circumstances where our conscience calls for it.


Within us is where we have the possibility to fine-tune our conceptual and emotional behaviours, precisely because only we witness this freedom. This access is not just one of our human options, but increasingly necessary in order to be guided through rapid global changes of roles, traditions, and values. 

To live with increasing detail, to refine our self from the inside out, is to live a life of luxury in its root sense of “light.” From there, we process ever-more exquisite sensual information; we hear ever finer existential music. That we care to participate in our own transcendence, transforms us for the better and improves the whole world along with us. 



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Nonetheless, contemporary anarchic behaviour is accepted only from those with glamorous roles as artists, celebrities, politicians, or persons of great wealth. The rest of the time, freedom is given a fierce and wild face, one associated with unpredictable dynamics, if not danger. 

By way of reinforcing this socially anxious relationship with wilderness, we generally pretend that our bodies do not function like those of other animals, bodily fluids and all. We also routinely dress in ways that are an unspoken condemnation against being fully in nature, against being naked. 

Not least, wilderness is presumed to exercise senseless violence and, therefore, is to be shunned. This more accurately describes   >



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>   impoverished and marginalized urban areas than it does any wilderness, where beings implicitly follow specific guidelines for behaviours and interactions. 

Of all living systems that use freedom responsibly, those of every wilderness rank among the highest, and those of human societies among the very lowest. Once we appreciate the beautiful orchestration of wilderness’ interacting forces, then we will long to possess such choreography in ourselves. Deep down, we recognize it as our existential home base.

Just as wild animals and other untamed creatures do, we also have access to a trustworthy internal positioning system. The thrust of its influence is always our state of wholeness and its attainment of needed resources. The more we align ourselves with this wild inner alignment, the more we courageously venture out into all unknowns, including social ones. 



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Direct contact with the fully activated present moment is the freest and most vitalizing relationship that life can offer us. Living spontaneously is the inevitable by-product of claiming our freedom to thus travel through life. By being engaged in our now, we can flow along shores that reveal unprecedented scenery, as well as newly discovered opportunities for self-expansion. 

Because our thoughts have specificity to them, conceptual freedom is one of the richest ones to exercise. If you can be free to genuinely think information through for yourself then you   >



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>  will find an optimal and intuitive way into optimal actions and insights. The universal framework guarantees it, for even the most artificially civilized person is not excluded from life’s self-organizing processes. 

When we let this dynamic have its way with us then, regardless of how much our behaviour appears unfathomable if taken in isolation, with the perspective of time we readily understand how we came to be where we are in the way that we went. Even the disorderly events that emerged from our quest for authenticity become part of an ongoing orderly dynamic. Nor are changes of destination proof of confusion; any authentic way will inevitably require acting out various aspects of oneself. 



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This self is not a single “I,” but a series of bundled channels seeking to align into an interflowing way of being. Our social self is simply the external cylinder, the visible cable that keeps all the hidden ones in parallel. In collaboration, our deepest being is the constant reconciler of all of the threads that weave us into existence. 

At every moment, we have immense power to invent ourselves. For the most part, each human being has as much the potential to be a leader as beggar in the street; each can also become the other. The information that we trust and act upon is what determines the paths we must follow. The one leading to self-actualization is always within reach so long as we are   >



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>  sincerely ready to accept the changes needed to get there. We need not fear to go with them. Our imaginations, our brains, and our bodies are constructed so that they will increase their capacities and skills correspondingly. The universe itself will assist. It has to, for it is each of us. 

In just the same way that a tree draws water to its peak, so a thirst for our deepest goals also draws life. All it takes is for each of us to tap into our native courage to live as an organic being. Our objectives then create their own directions and materials.

Unlike humans, wild creatures never ask for permission to fulllfill themselves. Without hesitation, without apology, and to the full capacity of their reach, they seek what they want from their environments. 



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Most people, however, are either justifying or pleading for their preferences. We cultivate conceptual restrictions that cause us to put tests and filters on the things that we naturally want, filters that exclude our authenticity, even as we long for it. We also deny others the right to live their own self-realized existence—perhaps out of anxiety that they might be right about their liberation, and we wrong in our enclosures. 

In complete contrast, animals and plants make the most of every resource available to them. This naive and forthright state of “going for it” was the one from which our being arose. The metaphor of the tree in the Garden of Eden tells us that to leave an automated and guided existence—to which all   >

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