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the  Art of  Nao

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Each keyword’s transformational effects cut both ways such that, by rephrasing a thought we can free ourselves from an idea’s hold on our self-evaluation—or else sentence ourselves to manufactured limitations by overlooking the language of our insecurities. 

Not just keywords, but all words are informational blueprints that play their role in  physicality’s construction of  specific forms and relationships, each one a variation on the theme of Being. 

Apart from humans, life doesn’t need words to exercise its vitality since it gets its information through each being’s physicality then, takes it from there. With humanimals, however, life’s creativity needs not only words, but images as well. These are the two primary forms of information manipulated by our imaginations—itself shaped by our heart’s accumulative content.

 To connect to life’s innate creativity, we first need to open our minds to the idea that transforming reality is the biggest part of our humanity and of its immune system—that it is a part of our need for self-actualization and health. In order to direct this creativity, conceptual and verbal techniques are necessary. 

Just as with the successful application of any technique, the results will be sensual and not mechanical.



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2       The +Crossfield of Information

This text describes how to direct and transform our own reality within the paradigm of a +crossfield of information; an updated way of describing what others would call “God” or “Source.”

Rather than credit the fact of life to a creator who has a separate being from its creations, the paradigm of a +crossfield of information views all beings as that creator willingly streaming itself into individuality. Life’s oneness diverging into multiple individuals is an arrangement that allows each creation to be immersed into its own way of being and to interact authentically with other equally immersed creations. 

Within this model, we humans exist because a +crossfield of information has conceived itself into self-conscious and self-generating forms of life. It has done so as part of its own evolution towards pure creative self-expression—a motivation that characterizes all existence 

Information coming out of the +crossfield is structural, and non-judgmental. The +crossfield is a “root directory” of zero-dimensional concepts whose information vitalizes and guides the individuality of each being. As a major part of their instincts for wellbeing and fulfillment, all forms of life automatically tap into this database. Humans, thanks to their free will can either enhance or restrict their own innate connection. 



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The +crossfield also gathers all forms of information as they are generated from each being’s existence and its experiences. Whatever information any creation processes & generates adds itself to the +crossfield’s pool of data. The +crossfield’s receptivity to information on any matter, at all levels, and under all circumstances, is infinite; it just needs a spring. One of life’s circular ironies is that our source also needs its sources. 

No form of being or subject matter is excluded: if something takes up space, regardless of size or place, imaginary or concrete, it participates in generating information. In this way, each individual existence both contributes to, and benefits from the collective.

Unlike destructive variations in life, the +crossfield thrives regardless of what is added to it, and contains in equal measure information that we desire as well as that which we hope never to need know. This is to say that not all information is only pleasant; its effect depends upon the purpose for which it is being used. 



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Since information’s potential to manifest into 4-Dimensionality is only latent, all of this information appears at the intersection of vertical and horizontal fields: a +crossfield, rather than either an exclusively horizontal or a vertical one. In order to go beyond the zero dimensionality of pure information, a being’s completed physicality—including its environmental details—has to be vertically drawn out by a “calling” force of some kind, such as: need, desire, compatibility, or imagination.

When it is tapped into, each point directs raw energy towards a specific materiality whose details are shaped by the information that is in the process of being drawn out. Whatever is coming into being begins to build itself into dimensionality at the sub-quantum level, where particles are in virtual form as non-specific energy—pure Being itself.

As each point in space is instantaneously updated with every new informational download, this +crossfield is present and accessible in its totality throughout the universe. The all-inclusive +crossfield of information is why divination methods and religious belief systems work for their believers. Any such systems are a way of giving ourselves permission to access what we already know. The entry fee for any ready-made procedures, however, is that we have to accept >



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>  their templates for our identity, along with their conditions for our self-worth and access to needed resources. 

A more liberated alternative to such systems is for us to claim our individual identity as an extension of the universal +crossfield itself and to incorporate its omniscient resources into our daily life. Thanks to this reunion with our source, we are now able to draw out the energy and specific information needed to fulfill the text of our deepest life story—the one latently written within the unique seed of our earthly arrival. 

Consequently, we no longer need to edit our life stories along generic scripts, but only according to our own inspired authenticity. This synthesis of our organic and deeply informed being provides us with the life tools needed to create our ideal life without doing so at the expense of others. On the contrary, our self-actualization increases the health of the world, one being at a time. 



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This creative empowerment is possible because life’s convincing presence is a feat of conceptual technology that only simulates the 4-Dimensional physicality we experience as reality. What seems real is similar to characters on a screen, in our case; one constructed by our senses under the influence of whatever information illustrates our concepts of self and of reality. 

Ultimately, life is a directed dream and each of us a dreamer. Lived as an art form, reality requires us to awaken within the dream and dream it with our opened* eyes.

(*written with a Latin letter “o” instead of in Elian : ) CCE

3       Day Dreaming

Just as in a lucid dream, our reality can be made to change when we awaken to the creative control that we always have over what we must experience. 

The difference between everyday living and a lucid dream is simply one of proportions. In sleep dreams, our self-conscious ”I” is much less in control than the surrealistic momentum of our dreaming state. during awakened reality,  >



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>  our “I” is the great leader, and reality’s non-linear freeform options far smaller—the size of a loophole. 

All the while, just as we lucidly dream only when we are actually asleep, so only when we are actually awake in the moment can we direct our own stories. This requires us to be in the Nao.  

As described in depth later, every reach into a nao occurs while its causative elements are in their most charged state; when nao’s information is fully aligned and flowing into the next moment. Nao is when we can extend our imagination’s reach into the +crossfield and draw out new information. 

Ideally, we will reach for the sensual information that we want rather than for the experiential textures that we fear. However, the process of creation does not care what is being drawn out, it only responds to degrees of intensity. The most charged imagination calls the loudest and its vibrations will be those that first aggregate into materiality. 

We can easily reach for our preferences rather than our fears, once we see that life’s primary thrust is always towards wellbeing & satisfaction—towards health, whose root meaning is “wholeness.” 

This dynamic is simply a form of economy. That all beings should get what they need and desire is a far more efficient system than that of forcing them into insufficiency and yearning. Such conditions only pressure a being’s overall system into disrepair rather than towards regeneration. 

What usually blocks people’s fulfillment is not a lack of means for achieving it, but rather their own sense of not deserving happiness. And yet, feeling good as often as possible is the primary goal of every being. Except for humans, all life forms reach without hesitation for what they most want. 



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Nature’s example of how its creatures always seek their satisfaction offers us the assurance that, if we nurture our highest potential, then our own being will be oriented towards more vitality, more resources, and more self-actualization. 

As it is with all other beings, we will not undergo this process alone, nor can we. Any sense of personal solitude is only a by-product of our social and, ultimately, fictional, identity. Our stand-alone status is part of life’s special effects; they are in place to create the illusion of an individual life story. Every such narrative needs a lead character and in your life, you are it.

Just as with a movie, in order to tell a story that seems real, its reality also needs stable, external points of reference. Without a logical, hard chain of seeming causation, there could be no sense of tension, and we could resonate neither emotionally, nor physically, nor intellectually. Instead, everything would feel fleeting and ungraspable, irrational, as in sleeping dreams. 

In order to experience concrete things, we want and need edges in life, just not so sharp that we cut ourselves off from our creative options. We ignore reality’s flexible nature when we mistakenly consider its boundaries to be hard and absolute. These seem to become even harder—and often, harsher—when we have let a situation’s inertia continue unchecked—ironically, at which point we need reality’s flexibility the most. Yet, just as readily as it is made dense, reality’s hard core can be dissolved to reveal imagination and longing as our life’s chief engineers. 

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