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the  Art of  Nao

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>  more resistance than taking off our clothes. In doing so, we do not think that we cease to exist, we simply know that we are stripped down to our naked essence. 

Identity, like garments, can also be slipped off. If identity were actually merged with us then, no one could appropriate it out of our sight. The fact is that identity has become something to steal because data, not a body, is enough to fulfill the social requirement for being a person. Only our own authenticity of being cannot be detached from us. We are not who we are, but how we are who we are, as well as how we are not what we are not.


The details of our way of being are what either build, or limit a connection to our roots: the +crossfield of information. The only way that it can have authentic content about each of us is if, at the more surface levels, we are convinced as to the reality of our individual identity, and at deeper ones can overlook it and, so, realize our fundamental oneness. 



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This viewpoint automatically catalyzes customized experiences, as if the universe were aware of us on an individual basis, which it is. The cosmos cannot help but know us all, since we are each its device for taking on individual forms.

Though the very point of our identity’s function is for us to get into it fully, nonetheless, our ability to detach from it is essential for relief when this same identity is overstressed. Once detached, we can readily direct our materiality under the +crossfield’s influx of information, which will always guide us towards any realignment needed. Subsequently, we can “re-attach” to an identity whose well-being has now been restored, thanks  >



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>  to the relief and support offered by our temporary departure from it. 

When we realize that the +crossfield is only in this instant reduced to individual personhood—ours—then we are free to live our lives, all the while knowing that a life’s essence is that of a story. As such, we can alter it through the words and images by which we process our experiences. 

Absent this perspective, our summation of "I am who I am" limits what we think we should be able to know, whereas the pool of what can be known is far greater than what any identity can claim. The simple fact of being in existence offers experiences that have nothing to do with being a person. 

Such transcendental consciousness is within easy and obvious reach when we take it for granted that our identity is a fictional character and we, its primary author. The same process that socializes us into being somebody specific is the very one that provides us with a foothold from which to reach our existential synthesis. 



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As soon as we see our identity as the vehicle but not the driver, then our being becomes released from its constant self-remembrance, from its dedicated service to only one person. Our fulfillment is then not a question of reforming our selves, but of temporarily putting aside our identity as the synthetic fabric that it is. Freed of the shadows that identity can cast, enlightenment is then the inevitable result of our divestment.

Any reach for an expanded consciousness will neither cause us to become disoriented nor to be socially on the fringe. On the contrary, unconditional access to all of life’s information is part of our human birthright, which is to thrive and to create freely with whatever materials we find. 



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Paradoxically, it is when we disperse the smoke and mirrors of being someone specific that we are best at being exactly that person. The difference from before is that we see our identity as an instrument and not as the totality of our being. In symmetry with developing our identity, we can now cultivate its companion experience: a sense of unity with all of life.

12       The Mention of Dimensions

“To be” is to apply our own forces in the midst of other equally self-affirming ones. How a being responds to forces and exercises its own, determines the reality that it cannot help but experience. 



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Everyone reading this book was forced into being through structural information—at a minimum, that of chromosomes and of literacy. According to the terms of its own informational blueprint, the universe was also forced into being. 

Such is the nature of life that anything can be made to exist when the necessary informational forces and materials for its creation can be combined. Moreover, any being will last as long as it is not subject to another force that can deconstruct it. 

Creativity in action is the most powerful force we have for our personal use. It, and not consciousness, is the defining characteristic  >



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>  of a human being. Whereas all that exists has its own form of consciousness, not all beings can rapidly create new things. Humans can.

Our species is constantly increasing its options by disassembling and reassembling as much of the world as possible. The result is that we can free ourselves from the context in which a force operates on its own terms and make it, instead, serve our purposes. This dynamic is the basis for all technology and design. Our own life force consistently shapes us in response to our feelings and to our thoughts. It is their implied longings that become the emotional instructions which then direct virtual particles of energy into materiality, either with our participation or by default.

Regardless, the form of whatever reality materializes always has a degree of dimensionality to it, from 0 to 4 dimensions:  >



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0-Dimensions - The +crossfield of information; which contains all the structural concepts needed to direct undifferentiated energy into a full 4-Dimensional presence.

1-Dimensional - Feelings, the pre-verbal sensing of information through our contact with the 0-Dimensional vibratory landscape from which 4-Dimensional objects and events can arise.

2-Dimensional - Words, Images. 

3-Dimensional - (Inner) imagination: it adds a dimension of change to the 2D of images and words. 

3-Dimensional - (Outer) something with 3 spatial dimensions (height, width, length.)

4-Dimensional - Something with the 3D of outer spatial dimensions going through changes, which we frame as time.



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Freedom’s Wilderness     13

Many secretly long to be wild and free, but few of us genuinely are. Most of the time, we are sandwiched between the expectations of our upbringing and those of our own self-censorship. Even so, within us is the heart of the wild self whom we spend our entire lives trying to actualize. 

How well we succeed in this goal is largely determined by where we locate our life’s playing field: is it within the social sphere, or within the universal one? Depending on where it is, we have a different access to the means for fulfilling our wild potential.



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Though every culture incorporates an awareness of the universe, a society’s priorities are always self-centered and any universal perspective will be relegated to religion and philosophy—when not suppressed. Societies do not ask for our whole self, but direct us to fit in—the essence of conformity. They rarely include the needs of a person’s inner life, but only address its symptoms when it seems unbalanced and acts out. 

The fact is that, beyond how they provide for basic infrastructures, all societies are a form of theatre, of fiction, and of play-acting whereby scripts are written and assigned by its cultures and their traditions. For its local character each culture invariably depends upon ”sets,” and ”actors” who behave according to their designated roles in function-related costumes.

Moreover, as with all theatrical productions, the actors and the props reference a more deeply engaging reality that continues inexorably off-stage within increasing levels of universality. 



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Our social framework offers material templates, but often at the cost of one’s self-realization. 

If we do not choose our own playing field, this will be the default setting. To completely actualize, we need to live within a universal paradigm. Unlike the social playing field, the universal is the only one that contains information about both our inner and our outer lives. It has complete knowledge about every being and directs each along life’s basic thrust, which is to live as freely and as creatively as possible. 

If the universal world disappeared, then so would all societies. However, if societies disappeared, the cosmos would not; on the contrary, it would thrive. No matter how extreme the environment, nature has its own ways of surviving into ever-newer forms. 



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This invincible spirit for creative adaptation also courses through us when we live within the universal framework; from it we are constantly guided to intuitively navigate our way through any society and its changes.

The ideal balance, of course, is to be able to use both a social and a universal frame of reference, but with priority being given to the latter. In this way, we continue to live within the social one in its accurate place as a subset of the universal. 

Such a prioritization leaves us free to act according to our truest nature, and independently of any society’s self-serving validations. Furthermore, we become more effective in our own society since, as part of their wholeness, universal forces must contain all information about social ones.

When we orient ourselves within a universal frame of reference, we  >

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